
Société de logistique


Suivi des colis et les livraisons de Entrego

Avec l'aide de l'application Parcels, vous pouvez connaître l'emplacement exact de votre colis ou des envois livrés par "Entrego" en quelques secondes.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Téléchargez l'application Parcels pour iPhone ou Android pour toujours savoir où se trouvent vos paquets et obtenez des notifications Push lorsque le suivi des paquets change.

Entrego états de suivi possibles

Statut La description
Your parcel has departed the logistics facility.
Your parcel has been inbounded at the logistics facility.
Your parcel has been picked up.
Your order has been packed and will be handed over to our logistics partner LEX PH.
Your package is being processed for delivery.
Your package has arrived at Destination Hub.
Your package is in transport from Sortation Center.
Your package is submitted to carrier.
An attempt was made to deliver your package. Reason: Recipient not at home
The package that is for return-to-sender is in the processing center.
Your package is in transport to another hub.
Your package is out for delivery.

by tisunov