ETS Express

중국 물류 회사


ETS Express 패키지 및 배송 추적

Parcels는 iOS 및 Android 앱으로, ETS Express에서 배달한 배송을 추적하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

iPhone 또는 Android용 Parcels 앱을 다운로드하여 패키지 위치를 항상 파악하고 패키지 추적 변경 시 푸시 알림을 받으세요.

ETS Express 추적 상태

상태 설명
Depart from facility
Shipment information received
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen
Shipment order created
Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou
Shipment operation completed at facility Guangzhou
Shipment arrived at facility 绥芬河
Transportation process
Ready to shipment from the transit city
Loaded into the truck (airline)
Consolidated parcels are separated one by one in the warehouse of transit city
Accepted into warehouse at the departure city
Sent from the warehouse at the departure city
Consolidated parcels are given to the shipper
Arrived at the warehouse destination city
Shipment operation completed at facility Shenzhen
Truck (airline) arrived with the consolidated cargo
Arrive at Hub
Shipment arrived at facility Yiwu
Give to the designated courier for delivery
Recepient not at home
Returned to the warehouse at the destination city
Shipment operation completed at facility 绥芬河
Incorrect recepient
Stored in the place for courier delivery during call-center checks
Shipment operation completed at facility Yiwu
Parcel is returned to warehouse
Shipment arrived at facility Suifenhe
Delivered to Recipient
Shipment operation completed at facility Suifenhe
Arrived at the destination city 【Novosibirsk】
Parcels could not be shipped and returned to warehouse for storage
Shipment operation completed at facility Haicanwei
Shipment arrived at facility null
Shipment operation completed at facility 哈尔滨
Shipment arrived at facility 乌苏里
Shipment arrived at facility Wusuli
Incorrect telephone
Shipment operation completed at facility Wusuli
Shipment operation completed at facility Bulatnikovo

by tisunov